3905 century club logging software

One condition and in fact about the only one that we place on participation in our nets is the willingness and commitment to. Not much information furnished on this eyeball, but i believe letha, ka5hfb, was the clubs coordinator for this one. Dean has created a great utilitarian piece of software to maintain your qsl records and print qsl cards for contacts. In the export to a file field, enter a file location and name on your pc to store the exported log. The amateurs codefirst published in 1928 and still the standard of conduct we all should strive to meet. Apr 12, 2016 3905 century club members tutorial for setting up netlogger. Ricky asper ac7ra centurion editor 3815 south 1915 east salt lake city, utah 84106. The purpose of the pilot was to demonstrate the tools ability to support the 3905 century club s operating procedures and data for live logging. The number of uploads is counted by inspecting the adif file headers at the start of the upload. We appreciate you taking the time to view our video logging in the 21st century the rest of the story.

Netlogger find and participate in nets quickly and easily. The main category is ham radio clubs in usa that is about ham radio clubs based in us, united states amateur radio clubs. Simplex is a program which manages a simplex or duplex repeater. It was designed to provide a simpler solution for managing collections and when the user is ready heshe may upgrade to visual train caboodle without having to re. Network support including windows and novell netware. This link is listed in our web site directory since sunday feb 10 2002, and till today 3905 century club has been followed for a total of 914 times. Log program for ham radio log books software category is a curation of 101 web resources on, call book log 3, airhamlog online amateur radio logbook, bklog log book and contest program. Premier logging software designed for the 3905 century club worked all states was and dx awards net, 3905ccn amateur radio logging software. For quite sometime i checked into the 3905 century club net worked and. I am also a member of the 3905 century club and you can find me on one of their fine nets. Eyeball qso 5 was held at rock candy mountain, dogpatch arkansas on august 15 1982.

Listed under the dx resourcesnets category that is about ham radio nets on air. If youre looking for was award there are several awards nets in existence. Find the best log management software for your business. Sep 06, 2006 download century club logger century club logger is for anyone whether a net control station or just a user checking into any of the 3905 century club nets. The 3905 century club worked all states and awards net.

Last night i spent a couple hours working on my station, and had first checked in on the 1. Improving accessibility for radio amateurs helping those with sight and hearing disabilities enjoy the hobby adventure radio society they combine a love of amateur radio with a love of the outdoors. Netlogger link to netlogger netlogger features netlogger combines the features of three different types of programs into one. They run a yahoo net logger which is lame to use and a waste of time. On the gap i am barely heard on the east coast whilst on the dipole i am routinely 20 to 30 over s9. Alpine software is a software development company located in the salem oregon area whose specialty is the development of database applications for the homehobbyist and the small business, and web site development. You will be required to register and make a donation within 1,000 days of your first use of the program to use for lifetime.

Issue owners put control back in the hands of developers to fix whats broken in their code. The software development cycle can be riddled with ambiguity. Netlogger is the official ncs live logging program for the 3905 century club and it must be used for live logging by all ncs operators during the nets. The table below shows the various logging software products that have been detected by club log this month. Software used by new hams top 5 this chart shows the logging software used by club log users who have a total of less than 3 years activity in their log excluding expeditions. This link is listed in our web site directory since monday dec 30 2002, and till today 3905 century club nets has been followed for a total of 1744 times. This group is for general friendly chit chat related to. Simply export your log data into the new standard adif format, import this data into the qsl wizard and you are off and running with a program that will allow you to exactly design your cards or labels in your own format.

The main category is operating rtty that is about operating rtty in ham radio bands. On saturday, january 23 the century club piloted netlogger as the livelogging tool for its 20m psk and rtty nets. The sunspot activity and propagation was a lot better back than as it is now. You might consider keeping a copy handy in or near your message log. We try to rotate the general location of this event around the country east, west, middle to give all members a chance of attending without the same ones always having to travel a great distance. The ham club membership program is an ideal program designed to assist either the secretary, membership chairman, or any one else in a ham radio club to maintain accurate records about its membership club members, vital documentation, or club assets. Qsl cards are the lifeblood of the 3905 century club. The 3905 century club is an international amateur radio club founded on 07. Just some thoughts to fuel discussion page 3 qrz forums. All were properly formed and legitimate grid coords but some were in the middle of nowhere.

There are no rules either written or unwritten other than those contained in. I a currently active on all hf bands from 160 10 meters and i enjoy all modes. Netlogger download net logger is a great tool used by many net control station, and other stations wanting to follow along with net checkins. N7xg logger n7xg logger is for any individual whether they are a net control station or just a user checking into any of the 3905 century club nets who needs to maintain accurate records about all aspects of particular net. Many other clubs including omiss, hhh, and yl system use this software. Below are links to two popular logging programs used by 3905 century club members. I recently installed a 75m dipole at 70ft and there is no comparison between it and the gap.

Those just starting out who dont have qsl cards might consider temporarily printing their own using a card image designed by using a free qsl design service. About 3905 century club rtty net the resource is currently listed in in a single category. If you must use usb, then invert your afsk tones and tune 4. Mmtty rtty software program using computer soundcard and radio. Contest calendar keep up with the latest contests weekly calendar by wa7bnm. Qsl bureau for all nets buro address send to the address below unless your mailing meets the criteria for mailing to the buro managers directly. Mar 17, 2019 in my opinion look at lotw as a clearing house vs the place to log contacts directly. The qsls exchanged must only be for the confirmation of contacts made on nets operated by the 3905 century club. The features from each of these three areas are integrated so that they enhance the features in. In addition to our off the shelf software products alpine software is a full service consulting firm and offers the following services to meet your business needs. If you need more flexability then the qsl wizard is the best tool to use. In the event netlogger servers are down, then paper logging or n7xg logger may be used by the ncs.

National contest journal very good source of contest information. Also, your status will not be reflected in checkin lists created by logging software until those logging the nets update their logger appropriately. The email address is not made public and will only be used if you wish to receive a new password or wish to receive certain news or notifications by email. Century club logger is for anyone who wants to check into any of the 3905 century club nets who needs to maintain accurate records about all aspects of particular net. This group is intended for members of or those interested in the 3905 century club. Please feel free to get in touch via the form below and i will get back to you as soon as possible. We are pleased to offer a wide variety of software products.

Hello, i am the 160 meter ssb late late net coordinator for the 3905 century club. Order takes into consideration how soon vp6dx is worked on the last band slot. Since it is impossible the make the logger work and no real interest from any of my emails to the 3905 club and alpinesoft. Other ramateurradio reddit subreddit devoted to amateur radio. Simply put, a properly completed qsl card is essential to the 3905 century club awards program. Rob lunsford kb8uey and rob gibbs k8gib are the qsl bureau managers for all nets. Century club logger on windows 7 microsoft windows vista introduced several new security features which prevent many of our favorite programs, including the century club logger, from installing and running properly. When checking in to 3905cc nets, handihams who have made.

Download 3905 century club software advertisement milong reporter v. After all, we in the logging industry make our living in the woods and feel that we are. When checking in to 3905cc nets, handihams who have made arrangements to use this bureau as their qsl manager should state to the net control station that they wish to exchange qsls via the handiham qsl service. Post anything 3905ccn or general amateur radio interest local stuff always welcome. Set your freqency to the net frequency and then fine tune with your mouse and waterfall. Not much information furnished on this eyeball, but i believe letha, ka5hfb, was the club s coordinator for this one. All emails from the system will be sent to this address. About 3905 century club nets the resource is currently listed in in a single category. Premier logging software designed for the 3905 century club worked all states was and. This link is listed in our web site directory since wednesday mar 31 1999, and till today 3905 century club rtty net has been followed for a total of 2183 times. Century club logger is for any individual whether they are a net control station or just a user checking into any of the 3905 century club nets who needs to maintain accurate records about all aspects of particular net.

C lick on the sample card above and it will show you the different car backs as well as back 4 for the 3905 century club. Joining a larger community of users adds an element of stability that we currently dont have and provides the collateral benefit of crosspollination with. N7xg logger is for any individual whether they are a net control station or just a user checking into any of the 3905 century club worked all states was and dx awardsnets who needs to maintain accurate records about all aspects of particular net. Dean has created a great utilitarian piece of software to maintain your qsl records and print qsl cards for contacts made on the 3905 nets. February 2010 with varying frequency amateur radio. K0was web site if you have been in the hobby for years and dont know lee, you do not know cw. Hamcall callsign server hamcall advanced search dxspots hamcall dvdusbdownload gold membership hamcall database stats top callsigns on most wanted callsigns linking to hamcall logging programs and other software that support hamcall lookups add or update a callsign in the hamcall database. Check out the 3905 century club digital mode software links a very complete list dxcc country list from qrz. Links of interest lookout mtn amateur radio community.

I checked in friday evening and saturday evening on the 3905 century club with the special event call, w8o that was a hit. On any page you wish to search simply hold down the ctrl key then press f and type your search term in the dialog box. I operate 3905 century club nets and on 75m the gap is useless. The main category is ham radio nets on air that is about ham radio nets for amateur radio operators. For just general contacts or when helping folks with contests or parks on the air i do not send a card. The features from each of these three areas are integrated so that they enhance the features in the other areas. One condition and in fact about the only one that we place on participation in our nets is the willingness and commitment to qsl all contacts made on our nets. The annual eyeball general information each year the club holds an annual gettogether known as the eyeball. Netlogger, a program we use to log our nets as an introduction to our club, click for the new. In the evenings, you can find me on 40m hunting around for jt9 or jt65 contacts. Lazy days of summer the 3905 century club worked all. The rst system is a standard system used for reporting readability, signal strength and tone of received signals. Application monitoring and error tracking software sentry. About 3905 century club the resource is currently listed in in a single category.

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